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Nurit Shany_ Credit to Reuven Kaputchins


Nurit Shany is an Israeli artist. Her art is inspired by the Kabbalistic 

wisdom that coincides with the theory of multiplicity. In which both reality and the human behavior are reflected in multiple mirrors and understood through a series of spheres of consciousness, enabling an evolutionary growth and paradigm shifts. 

In the light of this wisdom nurit Shany creates her conceptual images portraying people from public spaces in an imagined psychedelic space, creating an illusion of a reflection. Yet the reflection is not symmetric but a different moment showing the object's evolving through time

or into one of the eight spatial directions. 


Corresponding with the notion of a painting as a 'window' and going a step forward into the    psychedelic realm, some of her art can be viewed from two different angles - upright and upside down, expressing a double meaning in a constant flow of change. When seeing the theme rotated, a new point of view emerges revealing a blind spot, suggesting a paradigm shift.


Nurit Shany's art as a whole, deals with ignorance. The ignorance of the human race that lives    in singularity, denying the existence of parallelism that creates spheres of consciousness.             

The concept is crystallized in her recent masterworks, images of which are shown in different pages,each followed by her comments.  Reflections appeared in her art in the past through different modes. In the series: "Shop Windows" (2004), "A Shadow on the Wall" (2007), "Sea Waves" (2012), "Yachts" and "Abstract in the Waters" (2014), "City Lily Ponds" (2017) and finally as a clear conceptual form in her recent master work of "Conceptual Images".


The Artist's Lifeline

Nurit Shany (1956) was born in Kibbutz Gvat in Emek Israel and grew up in Kiryat Tivon   (1960-1978), a small city merged in a forest. She served in the army as a nature guide in the

Negev desert where she met her future husband. In 1976 she got married and moved to the Judean Hills near Jerusalem. There she graduated received her BA of Fine Arts degree and her degree in art therapy , painting, writing three books, raising her two daughters and performing as a storyteller. In 2000 she opened a private clinic for Guided Imagery Therapy and published her therapy method "Shaarey-Hochma"('Gates of Wisdom'). 

In 2004 she got divorced and in 2010 opened an art studio in Tel-Aviv and since then devotes her time to art.


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