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Israeli nature 2007-2010

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The Golan Heights, 100x240 cm, private collection, Tel -Aviv

The smell of my father's hand still follows me after so many years, earth, sheep, fresh weeds in winter, straw in summer.

I was born in a kibbutz dwelling in nature. My father was an author and story teller, yet when I was born in Kibbutz Gvat, in Emek Israel , he was a shepherd and I remember myself from a young age spending time with him in the pasture with the sheep and donkey. He used to read books about philosophy as he rode, for the leading sheep and donkey knew the way home.  As I rode behind him clinging tightly to him, he told me stories.

If there is something in the world that is a pure gift, it is nature in its bare and wild appearance, untamed by man. I drew and painted it so many times along my life, sitting on the bare ground, rock or on fresh weeds and feeling the energies of the soil. 

Nature as a concept emerged into this series of' 'Israeli nature' photographic oil paintings when I lived in Tsure-Hadassa in the Judean mountains. A change of style occurred in my painting, from abstract expression rose a photographic exploration of forms. It happened while exploring and sometimes enlarging silent objects I found in the oak and Pine tree forests and fields, such as pine branches full of needles that dry out and are replaced, Pine cones falling down to be stuck in one place for years to come, or thorns glorious in summer to be melted by the coming rains and seasonal flowers. 

In my creative flow painting nature has no date of beginning or ending and I continue painting it from time to time, but enlarging nature objects intrigued me during the years 2007 to 2010.

The series was exhibited in Tel Aviv in the Moshavim Gallery curated by Miriam Bittman at 2009 and in the Panorama Hotel Gallery curated by Nurit Tal Tenne at 2010.

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An Anemone Field in the Ha-Ela Vallie, 80x200 cm, private collection, Tel -Aviv

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A Pine Branch From My Garden, 100x150 cm, Levi collection, Amirim, Galilei 

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Emek HaEla, 40x40 cm, private collection, Tel -Aviv

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Emek Ha-Ela, 100x2440 cm, private collection, Tel -Aviv

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Freesh Weeds, 40x40 cm, private collection, Tel -Aviv

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Sabress,  100x100 cm, The artist collection 

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The Yarkon River-Bed, 100x120 cm, private collection, Tel -Aviv

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Two Oak trees, 60x80 cm, an unknown collection

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An Oak Tree, 30x30 cm, The Ballilious collection, Beit Zait

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The Odem Forest, 80x80 cm, private collection, Tel -Aviv

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A Summer Field, 80x110 cm, The Hofman collection, Rehovot

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Silybum Marianum, 70x100 cm, the Levi collection, Amirim

Nurit Shany, Purple summer flowers 1, oi

Echinops, 90x100 cm, the Levi collection, Amirim

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A Pine Cone, 100x100 cm, the Shany collection, Ramot the Golan heights

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A Pine Cone, 100x100 cm, the Shany collection, Ramot, the Golan heights

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An Almond Flower, 100x100 cm, The Gvirtz collection

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An Almond Flower, 100x100 cm, the Kun-Pinto  collection, Tel Aviv

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A Red Anemon Flower, 100x100 cm, the Artist's collection, Tel Aviv

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A White Anemone Flower, 100x100 cm, the Artist's collection, Tel Aviv


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