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A Shadow on a Wall 2007

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A Dancing Shadow of a Pine Cone , 100x120 cm, the  Tubule-Ofer collection 

'The Shadow on a Wall' series was inspired by my early childhood sensations of touching the walls of my childhood home that was surrounded by a vineyard, wheat and pomegranate trees. During the fifties and sixties the immigrants in Israel lived in fast built accommodations and I remember leaning on the rough lime plaster of the outside walls that always left a white stain on my clothes.

Wheat, vine and pomegranates are part of the natural fruits of Israel. Since the state's independence a government planting project was initiated in order to make Israel green and its hills covered with forests. The fast-growing European Pine trees took the place of the local Oak trees.

I grew up and the trees became tall and covered the hills and walking through them pinecones covered the thick needle carpet. So, although traditionally there are seven holy kinds, I added an eight secular one - the pine cone - although it is not an addable fruit nor of Israeli origin.


I pondered upon nature that creates sudden movement and long-lasting stillness. A pine cone grows and suddenly falls and rolls and gets stuck in one place for years to come in one place. I wondered if it could be an allegory for human beings.

I built a plaster cover on canvases and wood simulating the walls of my childhood home and drew the fleeting shadows of the eight items.

This series was exhibited in the El-Kara Gallery in Daliat-El Carmel at 2007.

All the art works were sold to private collections in Ismael.

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A Pine Cone Dancing Shadow, 40x40 cm, private collection 

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A Pine Cone Dancing Shadow, 80x80 cm, private collection 

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A Pine Cone Dancing Shadow, 20x30 cm, private collection 

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A Pine Cone Dancing Shadow, 100x110 cm, private collection 

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A Pine Cone Shadow, 10x20 cm, private collection 

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A Thorn Dancing Shadow, 30x30 cm, private collection 

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A Vine Dancing Shadow, 100x120 cm, private collection 

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A Vine Dancing Shadow, 20x20 cm, private collection 

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A Tsabar Dancing Shadow, 90x90 cm, private collection 

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Wild Wheat Dancing Shadow, 100x70 cm, private collection 

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Wild Wheat and Thorns Dancing Shadow, 100x70 cm, private collection 

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Wild wheat dancing Shadow, 100x120cm, private collection 

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Wild Wheat Dancing Shadow, 100x40 cm, private collection 

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Wheat on a Leaf Shadow, 30X50 cm, private collection 

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A Pomegranate Dancing Shadow, 100x70 cm, private collection 

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A Pomegranate Dancing Shadow, 100x100 cm, private collection

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A Pomegranate Dancing Shadow, 100x70 cm, private collection


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