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2d-3d Spaces - 2000-2017

The grafity artist  33X27cm 300.jpg

The Graffiti Artist, 30x40 cm, Shany (artist family) collection, 2019 

The 2D-3D space paintings are were created in an unconscious narrative line that occupied my research. Only now I see how these paintings are on a path that led to the dimensions in the City Ponds and to the asymmetrical reflections.


During the years I was attracted to compare the different dimensions not knowing where it will lead me. I looked for something. I sensed but was not fully conscious of what it is that I'm finding until 2020 when many narrative lines united to the path of the conceptual images of parallel realities.

I relate to these paintings as first sprouts of a concept that will ripen during 20 years of contemplation and creative trials to find an accurate form to a concept that is in disguise in daily life. 


The stream of paintings in this page, from past to recent, starts at the year 2000 and ends in 2017. Each painting withholds an inner story told through the relationship between a 2D object and a 3D object. 

Some picturesque narratives can be found in the early Shop Window series that in its way expresses the concept of asymmetric reflection, as does this series.

The style of painting in those years and in this series is figurative. 


This series and the Shop Window series were both created, at the time, with no awareness of the central position the concept of 'Dimensions' and reflections will take in my art and in my understanding in the subsequent years.

The big Salmon and my beloved dog, 250X1

 The Salmon and the Dog, 100x180 cm, Private collection, Tel Aviv, 2019

oroborous 140X100 cm 72.jpg

Vertigo, 120x100 cm, private collection, Tel Aviv,  2015

lost ornaments 120X139cm 72.jpg

The Performer , 130x100 cm,  Artist's collection, 2016

performance, 100X150cm gili 300.jpg

The Performer 2, 130x100 cm,  Artist's  collection, 2016

the dj 130x100 cm, oil on canvas 72.jpg

The DJ , 130x100 cm,  Artist's  collection,  2016

The art lover  140X100cm 300.jpg

The Art Lover , 130x100 cm,  Artist's  collection

In the back yard, 100X110cm oil on canva

The Performer 3 , 130x100 cm,  Artist's  collection, 2016

the gili israeli performance, 100X110 cm

The Performer 4 , 130x100 cm,  Unknown  collection 2014

The dancer with the red boots 100X85 cm.

Red boots, 90x110 cm,  Artist's  collection, 2017

The dresser 110X80 cm 72.jpg

The Theatre Sresser, 130x100 cm,  An unknown collection, 2016

The actress, 110X100cm.jpg

The Cabaret Singer , 130x100 cm,  Artist's  collection, 2016


The Model Agent , 130x100 cm,  The Artist's collection, 2003

אישה על הקיר.jpg

The Factory Workers , 120X160 cm,  Unknown collection, 2002


The Cabaret Dancers , 120x160 cm,  Unknown collection, 2002 


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